Note that we will be unable to receive additional wounded if the hospital is already full and that wounded troops who are unable to enter the hospital and receive treatment will die.

When you are battling an enemy at shrines or Level 2 passes, half of your severely wounded units will die instantly.When you are battling an enemy at sanctums, altars, or Level 1 passes, all severely wounded units will be sent to the hospital.When you are battling an enemy on the map or at a resource point, all severely wounded units will be sent to the hospital.When you are in an ally's city or allied structure defending against an enemy attack, half of your severely wounded units will die instantly.When your army is in your city defending against an enemy attack, all severely wounded units will be sent to the hospital.The fate of severely wounded units depends on the situation (battles with barbarian troops will only result in minimal losses and are not listed here): Slightly wounded troops do not need to be healed in the hospital, but rather are healed upon return to the city and healed instantly upon arrival. The Hospital is a building that allows for the treatment of severely wounded troops, allowing them to rejoin armies and defend the city. Unlocked at: City Hall Lv.1 - Additional building unlocks at: Lv.4, Lv.9, Lv.15 In ancient Greece, temples dedicated to the healer-god Asclepius, known as asclepieia, functioned as centers of medical advice, prognosis, and healing. “ The earliest documented institutions aiming to provide cures were ancient Egyptian templates.